Tree Removal Videos

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Videos showing the removal process in action.

These tree removal videos provide great insight into the time and effort it takes for the removal process. Proper rigging techniques are essential when taking down trees close to a house or garage; especially if it’s a large tree removal. Tree Hugger uses only the most top-rated equipment on each job, we take safety and property damage very seriously. Have a question about tree removal or the process? We would love to hear from you! Simply fill out the form contact Tree Hugger with your question and we will answer you as quickly as possible

You will notice in these tree removal videos that every climber uses different techniques and equipment after years of developing their style and what works best for them. Typically a large porta-wrap and rigging block needed to bring big pieces down. These tools help by adding friction to help offset the weight of the logs. They make the job easier and safer for the climber and grounds-men.

Pruning is a good idea when limbs start to grow towards the garage or house. Rigging limbs down and away from the property is key. A block or ring sling is used to rig down the large limbs. Pruning the tree will have its benefit by giving light to your yard or roof and will help to keep the tree healthy. Pruning will also make it look more appealing by keeping the trees shape.

110 Foot PineTree Removal In A Tight Spot

This 110 Foot Pine Tree Removal looks like a lot of fun. Jonathon Hill Posted this video on his channel: @jonathanhill4802

The Pine Tree had to be rigged all the way down. Some pieces were rigged off 10 Ft long. If you’ll notice the tree jars the climber when it takes the impact. This sends shock waves down the tree. It can be quite dangerous at times. The climber does a great job tying off each section before the cut. Precision rigging and cutting is crucial for safety of the crew and property. 

Notice the saw used in this video is a Husqvarna T540 XP. The saw sounded and cut great. I looked it up to see the features and it looks well made. A few eye catching features include:

  • Low-Vib Technology-reduce vibration and fatigue
  • Individual grip size- Interchangeable
  • Autotune- Optimal settings that adjust for different fuels, humidity, altitude, temperature and accounts for a clogged air filter

I use Stihl exclusively, but I think I will try Husqvarna sometime! Nothing wrong with having a good running chainsaw. 

CR Tree Service Nassau County

CR Tree Service in Nassau County. This video highlights their tree removal and cleanup process. I’m curious as to why they aren’t wearing any safety equipment. Besides not wearing PPE they make some other mistakes. I would never recommend cutting a notch over your head. You should be positioned so that the notch is level with your waist. Cutting high could have dangerous results. You risk being struck by the tree when cutting over your head; especially when it isn’t notched. Using a chipper without safety glasses is not a good idea either. You only get one set of eyeballs!

I give these guy’s an A for effort, but a D for common sense. I hope they stay safe, because tree work can be very dangerous. If I had to give this company a rating it would be 3 out of 5 stars. They work hard, but a safe work environment is absolutely critical.     

The Climbing Arborist Shows How To Rig Sections Of Trunk

The Climbing Arborist shows how to tie off pieces before the cut. This is considered, “negative rigging”, where the anchor point is below the cut piece. The method is known as, “butt hitching” this uses a false crotch rigging point. The Climbing Arborist ties a half hitch into a running bowline. This setup will ensure the rigged piece will not slip out. You will do this type of rigging when there is a high risk to cause damage. This tree removal is too close to the houses to let them fall freely.

I give the Climbing Arborist a 5 out of 5 rating. His technique is textbook and he makes it look super easy. Moreover, the guy seems to be pleasant to work around. Is it because he’s from Jolly Old England?

Pine Tree Removal

Here is a large Pine Tree Removal video by Taylor Olsen. The first thing I noticed is the size of this pine! Large and in charge(short lived obviously). Taylor has a porta-wrap installed at the base of the tree. The porta-wrap helps to bring down larger sections of the tree. This will help get the pieces down more efficiently and safely. If your tree is this close to the property then it should be rigged down. 

The tree job went well, no injury or damage! If I had to rate this climber I would give 5 out of 5.

The climbing and rigging were flawless. Some of his cuts were close to his rigging rope. However, everything worked out fine and overall a great job! Only one suggestion- upgrade that saw! The MS 201 T C-M works great for the canopy.